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計劃緣起 本校在英文教學方面,長期以來一直都是代課老師擔綱英語課程,在學生的英文方面除課堂外,無法從生活中提升孩子對話的能力,而英語須兼顧聽、說、讀、寫,對於英文的學習才會較完整。有鑑於此,本學期申請AIESEC之全球青年在地發展計畫,期盼透過國際志工,來到學校融入孩子的生活,和孩子時時以英語對話,增加學生的英語能力。 In respect of English teaching, the substitute teacher of English always plays a major role in WFES. However, the kids in WFES only have limited resource to gain their knowledge of English; therefore, it might be a difficulty for children in learning English. In order to help students to learn more about English, WFES decides to apply AIESEC international volunteers for assisting English teaching. WFES believes that kids would be inspired by international volunteers on the way of learning. On the other hand, it could also encourage students to acquire more global viewpoints from the volunteers. Most of all, there are four key points of learning English, Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The kids in WFES could learn these all through meeting the volunteers. As a result, WFES believes the project would be helpful and indispensible for the children.
中小學國際教育願景與目標 一、願景 在全球化的趨勢下,國際競爭不再是傳統的數量與價格的競賽,而是創意與價值的競爭,而人力資源乃是決定競爭力強弱的關鍵因素。面對社會、經濟與科技的快速變遷與競合需求,教育需要跳脫傳統的框架,邁向創新的思維。加以我國退出聯合國以來,國際活動受到排擠與侷限,國人對於國際社會的瞭解甚為有限。因此,面對全球化的發展,教育必須重新思考本身定位,添加國際化的學習元素,調整人才培育的目標。 中小學教育在國際化人才的培育過程中,扮演關鍵性的角色。在中小學深耕國際教育,是我國創造競爭優勢的藍海策略,也是引領國人自信地邁向全球化新世紀的必要作為。為了做好培育國際化人才的基礎教育工作,本白皮書以「扎根培育 21 世紀國際化人才」為願景,預計自 101 年起至 110 年止,分兩階段執行各項行動計畫,期統整全國的教育資源,展開有力行動,以奠基中小學國際教育,落實國際化人才培育目標。 Currently, the global market approach to competition has shifted from cost efficiency and mass production, to fostering human resources and creativity. For a nation like Taiwan, which builds from its traditions, this new mindset is a welcomed one, especially given Taiwan’s past success in the areas of international education. Therefore, Taiwan’s next stage of its globalization vision (2012 to 2022) is tocontinue to lay a strong, workable foundation for its 21st century youth.
二、目標 中小學國際教育的目標在讓中小學生透過教育國際化的過程,瞭解國際社會,發展國際態度,培育具備國家認同、國際素養、全球競合力、全球責任感的國際化人才。 (一)國家認同 國際教育應從認識自我文化出發,讓學生具有本土意識與愛國情操。中小學國際教育之推動,學校能透過國際文化的對照,教導學生深入了解自我文化的特質,認識臺灣特殊的歷史定位,體認國家在國際社會的特殊處境,並喚醒國家意識,正視自己對國家的責任。 It is our goal, through the exposure of international education, that our youth will be able to further develop a strong national identity. Securely grounded in their own cultural history, our young people will be able to relate to their historic and cultural roots, which make them so unique. Becoming more aware of Taiwan’s place, in history and within the international community, will enable them to betterunderstand the responsibilities that they have regarding Taiwan and its future.
(二)國際素養 國際教育應循序漸進,讓學生從外語、文化及相關全球議題的學習中,產生具有國家主體的國際意識。中小學國際教育之推動,學校能透過國際面向課程與國際交流活動,教導中小學生理解、尊重與欣賞不同文化,接觸並認識國際及全球議題,學習跨文化溝通的知識與技巧。 It is our goal to educate students to become globally literate and proficient citizens, especially in their understanding of the various cultural and global issues that they will have to face. We would like them to respect and appreciate cultural diversity and to be equipped with knowledge and skills needed for effective and successful cross-cultural communication.
(三)全球競合力 國際教育應提供中小學生體驗跨國學習機會,激發其跨文化比較的觀察力與反思能力。中小學國際教育之推動,學校能引導學生瞭解國際間競爭與合作實際運作情形,強化學生參加國際交流及國際教育活動所需的多元外語能力、專業知識與技能,並鼓勵學生體驗國際競爭與合作經驗,厚植邁向國際舞臺的實力。 It is our goal that through cross-cultural and international education learning opportunities, students will be able to make cross-cultural observations and to reflect on cultural diversity and cross-cultural communication. Through the promotion of international education, schools will be able to assist their students with foreign language learning and proficiency, multicultural knoeledge and effective cross-cultural communication skills.
(四)全球責任感 國際教育應強調對不同族群、地域、文化的尊重包容,以及對於全球的道德與責任,並提倡世界和平的價值。中小學國際教育之推動,學校能教導學生認識及尊重不同族群的異質文化,強調人權與永續觀念,體認世界和平的價值並重視全球環境生態的相互依存性,從日常生活中養成生命共同體的概念,進而產生對整個地球村的責任感。 It is our goal to promote among Taiwan’s primary and secondary students, respect towards diverse ethnic, geographic and cultural population through an international education. Schools can assist students in cultivating a sense of responsibility towards the global community. Our primary and secondary students should be aware of their responsibility to assist and to maintain world peace, support and protect human rights , and to conserve our natural resources.
(願景與目標之內容擷錄自 教育部 100年4月 中小學國際教育白皮書)
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