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遠觀未來、放眼全世界 一、全球化的挑戰與突破 21 世紀是全球化時代。地球村觀念興起,人們體認到加強國際互動,增進人類福祉,是每個地球公民責無旁貸的本份。資訊科技的發展,促進了各國在政治運作、經濟行為、社會活動及資訊網絡上的依存關係,加上跨國企業、非政府組織(NGO) 及非營利組織(NPO) 快速發展並日趨活躍,成為國際社會重要的前進動力,不僅增進政府組織與民間機構協力關係,也導引國與國間頻繁的非正式交流互動。知識、資訊、技術及創新等能力,已成為國際經濟的新基礎資源。 (English version.) The twenty-first century is known as the “era of globalization” and this concept of “a global community” is transforming the world. Global citizens understand the necessity of their responsibilities and the importance of international cooperation. Cutting-edge information technology has further connected global communities, thus providing instant information to people around the world. 二、我國社會結構的轉變 我國社會亦加速朝向國際化與多元文化方向發展。從葡萄牙船員於 16 世紀驚嘆美麗之島開始,臺灣以原住民文化為基礎,歷經 400 年的變遷,是多種文化融合孕育的結果。 近年來,我國新移民與其子女人數則持續增加,至98 年底止,新移民人數達 429,495 人,其子女就學人數亦達 155,326 人,我國人口結構正經歷另一次質與量的改變。此外,全球化也促使專業人力與教育人口在全球的流動更為廣泛、頻繁。以我國來看,98 年底在臺居留的外僑人數達 407,374 人,98 學年度在臺華語生 11,612人,攻讀學位之外國學生 7,764 人,僑生 13,869 人,大陸地區教職員來臺從事文教活動人數亦達 12,611 人。 在國際接觸日趨頻繁之時,面對自身與各個國家的文化傳統,國人需要培養理解、尊重及欣賞的胸懷與氣度。 Taiwan continues to successfully undergo internationalization reform. Known throughout the world as a nation that actively supports educational and multicultural achievement, Taiwan is a land of diversity Beginning in the 16th century, when the Portuguese fi rst encountered “Formosa, the beautiful island”, Taiwan has tried to embrace the best from its long multi-cultural heritage, especially in terms of migration shifts within global population. For example, by the end of 2009, the number of immigrants was 429,495, while the number of registered immigrant school children reached 155,326. Such situations require cooperative government effort to foster mutual respect and acceptance throughout Taiwan’s society, for all cultures, including Taiwan's indigenous tribes. Education, particularly international education, is unquestionably an essential key to achieving positive results. 三、新教育的需求與承諾 全球化不是一種選擇,而是一個必須面對的事實。全球化與臺灣發展息息相關,面對日趨多元的文化體系,教育需要擴大深度與廣度,進一步與國際接軌。21 世紀的臺灣公民,必須具備國際觀和地球村概念,提昇國際參與跨國競爭的實力。教育體系被期待應該扮演積極角色,協助國人做好準備。在日常教育中,提倡尊重與包容跨文化的價值,教導學生懂得如何在多元文化的環境中與人相處,為社會奠定穩定發展的基礎。 我國高等教育的國際化已推動多年,受到各界關注且逐漸展現績效。 相對來看,世界先進國家在中小學國際教育方面已紛紛投入行動;而我國在中小學國際交流活動日幟的情況下,中小學生的國際意識與國際素養仍亟需加強。因此,國際化向下扎根,是我國前瞻 21 世紀的重要課題。教育工作者應該思考如何在中小學教育階段,奠定國人厚實穩固的國際化基礎,以蘊蓄未來縱橫全球的創新力和行動力。 To better prepare our children to meet the challenges of the 21st century, Taiwan recognizes the need to implement educational reforms targeting international education for its primary and secondary schools. Providing educational opportunities and an integrated global curriculum will allow children to become familiar with the role that Taiwan plays on the international stage and within the international community. Policy makers, educators, and parents need to work together to build a strong foundation for international education at the primary and secondary levels, so as to empower our youth with useful and creative skills and methods to respond to the opportunities and the challenges that will come before them in the future. This is our common goal.
(以上內容擷錄自 教育部 100年4月 中小學國際教育白皮書)
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